Our School - Principal's Message

Welcome to Coburg Primary School. Our school strives to ensure that every child is provided with the best learning opportunities in an environment that is caring, positive, inspiring, all mixed in with a sense of humour and fun.

I am proud to have led this school community since 2021. We have a team of dedicated staff who work collaboratively to support all students to thrive in their learning and also socially and emotionally.

Our school values of Courage, Empathy, Curiosity and Respect underpin everything that we do at Coburg Primary School and are an integral part of our culture.

We provide each student with solid foundations at every stage of their learning through the Victorian Curriculum. We have a strong focus on building student skills in the key areas of Literacy and Numeracy. To foster increased engagement and enhance learning opportunities we implement a range of programs across the school:

Foundation/Year 1: Curiosity (Developmental Play)

Year 2: Clucky Kids (Sustainability and Chickens)

Year 3 /4: Kitchen Garden Program

Year 5/6: Elective Program

We have strong Wellbeing programs in place across the school. We are a School Wide Positive Behaviour Support School which forms the framework for our wellbeing programs. Our staff are trained in the Berry Street Education Model. We implement the Respectful Relationships program, Bodysafety Australia program and Zones of Regulation in our Junior School.

We offer a number of specialist programs that all students attend each week with their class.

  • Visual Arts
  • Music
  • Physical Education
  • STEM
  • AUSLAN: Our language is Auslan. Due to the current teacher shortage, classroom teachers are currently teaching Auslan via an online program - Auslan Education Services 

We are very fortunate to have an engaged and active parent community and we encourage our community to be involved in our school wherever they can, whether that be through helping in the classroom, on excursions, being a member of School Council, working bees, fundraising etc.

Our extra curricula programs include Instrumental Music ( provided by Junior Rockers), lunch time rock bands, camps for students in 3-6, Year 2 sleep over, Art Show and School Production ( alternating years) and other special whole school days such as Book Week, Harmony Week, Footy Day, School values Week, Junior School Council Days.

I am delighted to lead the Coburg Primary School Community. I will be conducting tours every Tuesday for parents or carers who are interested in experiencing first hand our wonderful school. 




Matt Kerby
